Eyes on the Guise
Cameras are everywhere. That invades our space. But it also makes it a lot harder to get away with anything. Unless it doesn’t. For many people, the lesson of the non-indictment in the Eric Garner chokehold case is that cameras don’t make a difference. Seeing is not believing. From WaPo: With Eric Garner, Obama’s body camera argument just took a big hit.
+ The New Republic: Police cameras won’t cure our national disease.
+ In NY Mag, Jesse Singal argues that, yes, body cameras are probably worth it. It’s about knowing you’re on camera. In Rialto, CA, “after cameras were introduced in February 2012, public complaints against officers plunged 88% compared with the previous 12 months. Officers’ use of force fell by 60%.”
+ The Marshall Project: What you need to know about body cameras.