Se Habla Gridlock
Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. And while you’re at it, you better bring me your lawyers. President Obama announced his much-anticipated executive action on immigration. Republicans challenged the action, and filed a lawsuit over Obamacare. Political infighting and lengthy court battles are as good a way as any to welcome people to America. I just hope the heated politics don’t spill over into our treatment of immigrants as people. My parents are both immigrants, and aside from the time my dad asked if I hit a home run in my football game, they’ve been good for this country.
+ WaPo: For millions of illegal immigrants, a mix of celebration and deep disappointment.
+ Vox: Obama’s huge new immigration plan, explained.
+ FiveThirtyEight: Undocumented immigrants aren’t who you think they are.
+ Silicon Valley’s reaction to the new plan: Meh.