And You’ll Like It…

The news you’ll read here today was selected and summarized by a human being (to the extent that someone who has 130 open tabs and is the Joey Chestnut of iced coffee consumption can be considered human). Enjoy it while you can. Human-driven editorializing could soon be as distant as the thud of a newspaper landing on your front stoop. Increasingly, algorithms are deciding what news you should read, and there is no algorithm more influential than the one that drives your Facebook News Feed. How influential? “About 30 percent of adults in the United States get their news on Facebook, according to a study from the Pew Research Center. The fortunes of a news site, in short, can rise or fall depending on how it performs in Facebook’s News Feed.” The NYT’s Ravi Somaiya explains how Facebook is changing the way its users consume journalism.

+ Save your Facebook friends from the machine and tell them to subscribe to NextDraft before it’s too late.

+ Ever notice that when you ask Google a question, it often finds an answer … on Google, instead sending you somewhere else on the Internet? The future of the Internet is not about search. It’s about artificial intelligence. And it’s coming soon. Wired’s Kevin Kelly on the three breakthroughs that have finally unleashed AI on the world.

+ And from Computerworld’s Mike Elgan: Why Google wants to replace Gmail. “The fact is that Google, and companies like Google, hate unmediated anything.”

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