Beyond the Oscars

“I remember a time when I too felt unbeautiful. I put on the TV and only saw pale skin, I got teased and taunted about my night-shaded skin … And when I was a teenager my self-hate grew worse.” A few days before she won her Academy Award, Lupita Nyong’o gave a short speech on race and beauty at Essence’s Black Women in Hollywood Luncheon. It turns out her excellent Oscar speech was no fluke.

+ “That’s the bottom line. I don’t like it, because if they ever snag me they are going to find all kinds of crap to file charges on. I’ll be carrying too much cash, too many drugs, too much everything. It will be one charge after another. It will be a list … as long as your arm.” Here’s the 1992 Dallas Morning News story about a guy named Ron Woodroof, the cowboy smuggler who ran the Dallas Buyer’s Club.

+ The NYT has issued a correction related to a story they wrote about Solomon Northup … in 1853. (Think about that lag time next time you’re about to email me about a typo.)

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