Take a (very) Little Off the Top

In the NY Review of Books, Alma Guillermoprieto provides some insight into the life and times (and capture) of El Chapo: “And then there was all the money requiring cleaning, tons of that too, literally, barrels and cratefuls of cash coming in every week: What to do with the boxes of it left over once the bodyguards, spies, goons, hit men, police officers, judges, mayors, governors, customs officials, army generals, prison guards, railroad workers, trucking bosses, journalists, ranch hands, relatives, cabinet ministers, bank officers, helicopter, jet, and airplane pilots, business associates, and barbers have been paid off? This last item is not negligible; the person who comes in to wield scissors very close to your neck once a month or so and monitor your half-hearted attempts at a disguise — a moustache, a dye job — is someone you definitely want to tip richly if you’re Joaquín ‘Chapo’ Guzmán.”

+ Michael Daly: Drug Cartel Beauty Queens Face an Ugly End.

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