Five Ring Circus
While many viewers will have to wait for the delayed broadcast of the Opening Ceremonies, you can see some great photos here, including the shot of the missing ring.
+ Google already held their own opening ceremonies with a rainbow doodle and a reminder that this sport spectacle should be one without discrimination. Canada’s Institute of Diversity and Inclusion came up with their own response to Russia’s anti-gay games.
+ CNN: Plane lands in Turkey after bomb threat, passenger wanted to land in Sochi.
+ “The theme of these Games is simple: this is Putin’s pop-culture reassertion of Russia, a worldwide media-saturated insistence on its modern power and capacities, all done with a flash and a reach that no diplomatic summit could ever match.” David Remnick on Putin’s Games.
+ 14 photos that prove that Skeleton is the most badass sport at Sochi. That said, the downhill course sounds like it could be pretty intense. Meanwhile, what exactly is Curling?
+ Now that the Games have officially started, you definitely don’t want to hear more about Sochi’s problems. Unless you do.