The Bottom of the News
OK, before we get into this, let me say that I probably did worse things than Justin Bieber when I was nineteen (and I sold a total of zero albums). According to, well, everyone in the media and on social media, Bieber was arrested for a DUI and resisting arrest after drag racing his yellow Lamborghini, leading to what will undoubtedly be one of the world’s most famous mugshots. (At least he wasn’t snorting Smarties.)
+ Pope Francis just called the Internet a “gift from God.” (Clearly, he’s a NextDraft subscriber.)
+ Yes, you can bet on how many times Peyton Manning will yell “Omaha” during the Super Bowl. (Take the over…)
+ The Raider’s cheerleaders are suing their own team. And, surprisingly, it’s not because the team gives them nothing to cheer about.