Extra! Extra!

Five years ago, I wrote a blog post in which I suggested that Yahoo should drop out of the search game and instead focus on what they were great at: News. Here’s a clip: “Yahoo is grown up. They know what they’re great at. They are great at news. When it comes to news, they absolutely crush Google … Why not define yourself by your news services and the other stuff where you destroy the competition? Then when folks ask you about Google, you can honestly say they are neither big nor good enough for us to even worry about at this point.” In past few months, several big name journalists (including David Pogue, Matt Bai, and now Katie Couric) have joined the Yahoo team. It makes sense. Yahoo has an absolutely huge news-seeking audience. Can they tie it all together and build a news brand with a clear voice, decent design, and quality original content? I’m not sure. But it’s likely their last, best shot to remain one of the Internet’s biggest sites.

+ With its content deals and large audience, Yahoo could be in a position to be a major player when it comes to video coverage of live news. There’s definitely an opportunity as more people are cutting the cord and shifting the gaze of their eyeballs to laptops and mobile devices. From Business Insider: TV Is Dying, And Here Are The Stats That Prove It.

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