The Bottom of the News

Last week, Business Insider’s Henry Blodget ranted about the weirdness of having attendants in the bathrooms at Balthazar. The restaurant’s owner agreed, and those attendants will soon be out of a job. By this time next week, these guys will probably have coded a bathroom app and be raising money at a $1b valuation.

+ “Let’s pick a fight with kale.” Check out the inside story of Broccoli’s extreme makeover.

+ Some churches have come up with a way to attract more members. They offer free beer. I guess turning water into wine wasn’t enough.

+ Usain Bolt turned McNuggets into gold.

+ Thanks to the time change over the weekend, you can now expect more criminal activity. It turns out most crooks aren’t morning people.

+ Two planes collided in the air. And there were no fatalities. It helps that both planes were loaded with skydivers.

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