The Goo

It’s the goo that helps Cinnabon’s signature product reach the lofty 880-calorie mark. It’s the goo that helps drive one social media mention of Cinnabon every ten seconds. And its the goo that helps explain inspired descriptions like this one from BloombergBusinessweek’s Duane Stanford: “The sensation of pure sugar can be overwhelming. It coats the mouth and clogs the back of the throat. Halfway through the roll, the body cries out for water or, even better, Diet Coke, which has a way of cutting through the varnish laid by the fats and sugars. Deep inside the roll, the bun’s core is hot and yet just barely cooked. Once gone, the bottom of the clamshell box is left smeared like a crime scene with a mash of syrup and cream cheese.” Cinnabon President Kat Cole: Hustling the Gut Bomb.

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