Now in Color!

I open about a hundred news-related tabs each morning, and today, just about every one of them gave top billing to Apple’s iPhone event. I’m a confessed Apple fanatic and I’m typing this on a Macbook Air, but even I find it amazing that the company can still drive this much coverage for its new product releases. Today, we got mostly what we were expecting. Apple introduced a colorful lineup of less expensive iPhones (now our kids will be able to look at some new colors on the back of our phones while we ignore them). And at the higher end, Apple introduced the iPhone 5s: It’s faster, has a better camera, and features a scanner to let you use a fingerprint in place of a password for the phone and iTunes store purchases. The countdown begins to see which one of my kids will be the first to attempt to chop off my finger to play on my iPhone.

+ It’s always fun to loo back at the original iPhone keynote.

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