Off the Record
Just when you thought things couldn’t get any worse for the Anthony Weiner mayoral run, the campaign’s communication director Barbara Morgan went on a rant during an interview in which she called a former campaign intern a slutbag (among many other things). Once the interview went viral, Morgan released a statement in which she explained: “In a moment of frustration, I used inappropriate language in what I thought was an off the record conversation.” Can you imagine working for Anthony Weiner and still thinking that anything is off the record?
+ “The public attention that comes with a high-profile political campaign inflates his sense of self but draws the kind of media scrutiny that inevitably deflates him.” Why would Weiner take the risk of sexting again and again. And once he suffered the initial humiliation, why would he run again? The Atlantic’s Joseph Brugo makes some decent arguments in his piece: Where Narcissism Meets Addiction. For what its worth, those two meet at my computer and open up about 175 browser tabs each morning.
+ Are weird romantic deceits a product of the digital age? Not really. Here’s a look at how catfishing worked in the 1880s, via telegraph.