Weekend Reads
This week, the fine folks over at Longreads share an excellent 1995 piece by Andrew Corsello (a great writer and a good guy with whom I’ve been lucky enough to share the occasional order of sesame noodles). I know Andrew. But I didn’t know about this: ‘My Body Stopped Speaking to Me:’ The First-Person Account of a Near-Death Experience.
+ “Damien Echols did something he’d never done before: He turned away and ran to the frozen-food section, amid the Ben & Jerry’s and the microwave dinners. And he hid.” Boston Magazine’s Alyssa Giacobbe updates us on the life of one of the West Memphis Three. Damien Echols spent nearly two decades on death row before a couple documentaries and some new evidence helped set him free. “As he attempts to rebuild his life on the North Shore, will a city best known for its witch hunts ever let him?”
+ NYT Magazine: Jimmy Wales Is Not an Internet Billionaire.