Getting to Know You

In a lot of ways, the most interesting and amazing aspect of yesterday’s Supreme Court rulings on gay marriage is that they reflect public opinion. How did public opinion on gay marriage change so dramatically and so fast? Here are a few potential answers: Ellen, Will, Grace, Cam and Mitchell (from Modern Family, where we just might see a — now legal — gay marriage next season). It might sound silly to link pop culture with sweeping changes in the way Americans view an issue. But the fact is that it’s a lot harder to hate people with whom you have no interaction. And in the past decade, millions of Americans have welcomed gay individuals and couples into their living rooms by way of the television. Consider the numbers. In a recent poll, “27 perecent of respondents said gay TV shows like Glee and Modern Family pushed them to be more pro-gay marriage, while only 2 percent said the shows made them more anti-same-sex marriage.” From Wired’s Angela Watercutter: How Pop Culture Changed the Face of the Same-Sex Marriage Debate.

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