
By Comparison, I Sort of Like Your Oversharing

In March, NBC will debut a show called Who Do You Think You Are? We’ll get to follow along as celebrities trace their family roots.

NBC’s commitment to bringing A-list talent to its 2009-2010 primetime schedule includes a unique and personal glimpse into the lives of our favorite celebrities. In each episode of Who Do You Think You Are?, a celebrity embarks on a journey of self-discovery and unearths his or her family tree – revealing surprising, inspiring and sometimes tragic stories that are often linked to events in American history. We share intimate moments with the stars as they learn about their past, and how the struggles of their ancestors have shaped today’s world.

You know I was just thinking that, while I come across a lot of current news about celebrities, I really never quite get my fix when it comes to news related to their ancestry.

The realtime web can be an irritating distraction. But on the web the oversharing that gets shoved down our throats at least allows merit and popularity (usually more of the latter) determine what makes it into our consciousness. Ok, so that often means watching a video of a drugged-up kid on the way back from the dentist, but at least that material had to pass through a few hoops before being foisted upon our communal inbox.

Stand up for your rights. Your crappy oversharing is just as interesting as anyone else’s. Celebrities shouldn’t have their oversharing elevated to primetime merely because they’re celebrities. Have them shamelessly exploit their drugged up kid. Then we’ll talk.

This post originally appeared in Tweetage Wasteland which has been merged with NextDraft.

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