I Drink Your Milkshake (in real time)

twinkie-shakeThe other afternoon, my family and I went to the new Burger Bar in San Francisco where you can build your own burger, eat several types of fries and enjoy alcohol-infused milkshakes while watching the NFL on the TV built into the wall at the end of your table. It was a good day.

For dessert, we decided to rock our kids’ frontal lobes a bit by ordering the Twinkie Milkshake. There is a twinkie blended into the shake and another one adorning the glass. The reaction from all of those who had a taste made it clear that this place and product were worth sharing with friends, family and followers. So my wife snapped an iPhone photo and posted it to Twitter.

The information was worth sharing. But was it worth sharing in real time? How many times do you interrupt (even if it’s only momentarily) the flow of a moment to add something to your share stream that actually has no immediacy?

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