After last night in St Louis, the presidential debate drinking game is still going, and it probably will be for decades. Right from the outset, there was bad news for Trump: His mic worked. He sniffled through another remarkable performance while sane Americans sniffled because they were watching the last shreds of American political dignity go up in flames. I needed motion sickness medication to open my browser tabs this morning. The long-predicted Trump pivot finally arrived. He went nuclear. And the result, as The New Yorker’s John Cassidy explains, was the nastiest presidential debate of all time.

+ Here are my 30 quick takes on the second debate, the worst Tinder date ever.

+ It’s difficult to pick just one lowest moment. But let’s go with Trump’s threat to prosecute and jail Clinton if he’s elected. Rodrigo Duterte thought that was a bit much.

+ Digg has just the good stuff from Sunday’s debate. And by good stuff, they mean bad stuff.

+ “He opened a can of whoop-ass on her.” Watching the debate in a swing state bar.

+ Looking for a glimmer of hope? TV ratings for this debate were down 20%. (Apparently a lot of people weren’t able to replace the TVs they shot during the first debate.)

+ Hey it could’ve been worse: “Trump wanted to put Bill Clinton’s accusers in his family box. Debate officials said no.”

+ Timing is everything. So let’s at least be thankful for this delightful twist: Today is world mental health day.