Take This with a Pinch of Salt
There’s a group of influencers for almost everything. One of these groups leads the anti-diet movement. The idea is that society is too focused on health and that leads to fat shaming and everyone should eat what they want. And guess who decided that this highly-processed message should be a brought to the increasingly wider masses? Big Food. WaPo (Gift Article): As obesity rises, Big Food and dietitians push ‘anti-diet’ advice. “General Mills has toured the country touting anti-diet research it claims proves the harms of ‘food shaming.’ It has showered giveaways on registered dietitians who promote its cereals online with the hashtag DerailTheShame, and sponsored influencers who promote its sugary snacks. The company has also enlisted a team of lobbyists and pushed back against federal policies that would add health information to food labels.” These guys would sell cynicism, but it’s too healthy for their portfolio.