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“In an extraordinary news conference 90 minutes before he released the report of the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, Mr. Barr acted more as a defense attorney for Mr. Trump than as the leader of the Justice Department.” NYT: Barr’s Defense of Trump Rewards the President With the Attorney General He Wanted.

+ WaPo: William Barr just did Trump another huge favor.

+ Attorney General or Apologist General? “There is substantial evidence to show that the President was frustrated and angered by a sincere belief that the investigation was undermining his Presidency, propelled by his political opponents and fuelled by illegal leaks.” The New Yorker: How William Barr Politicized the Release of the Mueller Report. Editor’s note: The big outstanding question is: What About Bob? Why wasn’t Bob Mueller the one to publicly release, and frame, his own report. At this point, Mueller’s voice is in such hot demand he could start recording people’s outgoing phone messages for like $5 million a pop…

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