Bottom of the News
“All of our member schools have dedicated esports arenas on campus, and those esports arenas are all outfitted with all the equipment an esports program or team would need such as computers, headsets, keyboards, mouses. All of them have staff on hand that’s paid for by the university or the college.” From The Outline: Colleges are starting varsity programs for video games. (Cut to a decade from now when my son is complaining to his therapist that he could have gotten a full scholarship to any college in the country if I hadn’t limited his screen time…)
+ The Met Gala fashion choices are often a trip. This year, more so than usual.
+ Were Trump musings on the Civil War just a random aside? Not really. A year ago, he told Jon Meacham that he thought he could have done a deal to avoid it. (He also thinks he could have done a deal to avoid the 1906 earthquake.)