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There’s only one thing that can knock weather off the headlines: Traffic. The media has provided so much coverage of the extensive and entertaining Chris Christie traffic jam press conference that I half-expected him to introduce a new iPhone. Christie apologized and fired his deputy chief of staff Bridget Anne Kelly who, along with other “close associates ordered lane closings on the George Washington Bridge to deliberately snarl traffic as an act of political vengeance.”

+ “I am stunned by the abject stupidity that was shown here.” The eleven best quotes from the Christie’s press conference.

+ When David Wildstein got an email that read, “Time for some traffic problems in Fort Lee,” he responded with two words: “Got it.” Today, he was far less loquacious while being questioned by a New Jersey state assembly panel.

+ Buzzfeed’s Ben Smith argues that the bridge scandal is even worse than it seems: “Politicians don’t get that many moments in the national spotlight … And now, if anyone knows anything about Chris Christie, it’s that he closed a bridge.” I wouldn’t be so sure about this. The presidential election is a long way off. About the only person who doesn’t still have time to repair his image is Dennis Rodman.

+ MoJo: Match the political scandal to the apology.

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