“Before her manuscript went to print, she reached out to a group of ‘sensitivity readers.’ These advising angels — part fact-checkers, part cultural ambassadors — are new additions to the book publishing ecosystem. Either hired by individual authors or by publishing houses, sensitivity readers are members of a minority group tasked specifically with examining manuscripts for hurtful, inaccurate, or inappropriate depictions of that group.” (And we’re talking about fiction.) From Slate: Is My Novel Offensive?

+ Librarians are working with little kids to help them identify fake news.

+ And this from the official Potus twitter account: “My daughter Ivanka has been treated so unfairly by Nordstrom. She is a great person — always pushing me to do the right thing! Terrible!” (She needs to push harder.)

+ Details about each of the ingredients in Doritos. (How could inventing a photo sharing app make one richer than inventing this?)

+ One strawberry, 22 bucks.