Conventions are notorious for being free of any actual news. Like all other rules of politics, Donald Trump has broken this one with a week of nonstop headlines. And Ted Cruz broke a pretty big rule of political conventions: You’re supposed to express support for the person at the top of the ticket. Cruz was booed by the arena crowd as he refused to endorse Trump, and instead told people to vote their conscience. Prior to the big snub, Trump had labeled Cruz Lyin’ Ted, ridiculed his wife’s appearance, and suggested that his father was involved in the JFK assassination. And yet, everyone still expected an endorsement. The art of the deal…

+ Cruz held firm to his stance today, and insisted he would not act like a “servile puppy dog.” (I don’t see why we need to bring servile puppy dogs into this…)

+ The convention has not gone smoothly. And it probably doesn’t matter. Example: Clinton and Trump are essentially tied in Ohio.